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EFSA Seconded National Experts Call 2017

Seconded National Expert (SNE)
EFSA/NS/SNE/2017/01 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the EFSA Seconded National Experts Call 2017 position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 6 open jobs by clicking here.

You must satisfy the following requirements for applying for a secondment position at EFSA: 

I.    Eligibility criteria

1. Be nationals of a European Union or EFTA Member State or a country with which the Council has decided to open accession negotiations and which has concluded a specific agreement with EFSA on staff secondments, except where the Executive Director grants derogation;
2. Be  employed by a national, regional or local public administration or an intergovernmental organisation[1];
3. Have worked for your employer on a permanent or contract basis for at least 12 months before the secondment and shall remain in the service of that employer throughout the period of secondment;
4. Have at least three (3) years full-time experience in administrative, scientific, technical, advisory or supervisory functions at a level equivalent to the post;
5. Have thorough knowledge of spoken and written English and a satisfactory knowledge of a second EU language for the performance of the duties;
6. Meet the character requirements needed for the duties involved (e.g. a sworn affidavit to the effect that you have no criminal record).

II.    Selection criteria

1.    Experience and Knowledge

Expertise in an area relating to the activities of EFSA and genuine interest and motivation to build partnership with EFSA, hence contribute to enhancing the EU's risk assessment community.

 2.    Competencies

i. Working with others: Ability to work cooperatively with others in teams and across organisational boundaries and respects differences between people;
ii. Analysis and Problem Solving: Ability to identify the critical facts in difficult issues and develop creative and practical solutions;
iii. Drive for results: Ability to take personal responsibility and initiative for delivering work to a high standard of quality within set procedures;
iv. Communication in English: Ability to communicate effectively in English at all levels both orally and in writing;
v. Ethics and integrity: Demonstrate overall personal integrity and orientation towards fundamental values of the organisation.

If you have any questions regarding this call please visit our FAQs or write us at

[1] “Public administration” means all State administrative services at central, federal, regional or local level, comprising ministries, government and parliament services, the courts, central banks, and the administrative services of local authorities, as well as the decentralised administrative services of the State and of such authorities. The Executive Director may also authorise the secondment of an SNE whose employer is an independent university or research organisation which does not set out to make profits for redistribution or is in fact part of the public sector.

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