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EFSA/NS/TR/2022 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the EFSA Traineeships Call 2022 position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 5 open jobs by clicking here.

What are the selection requirements?


You must satisfy the following requirements on the closing date for submission of your application:


I.    Eligibility criteria

  1. Have obtained a university degree of at least 3 years by the closing date of applications (See Annex I for the minimum national qualifications);
  2. Have a good knowledge of English (minimum level: B2 according to CEFR);
  3. Have never been an EFSA trainee or employed by EFSA in any capacity, receiving any sort of remuneration;
  4. Meet the character requirements needed for the duties involved (e.g. a sworn affidavit to the effect that you have no criminal record).


II.    Selection criteria


a) Experience and Knowledge


Knowledge of/ or experience in an area relating to the activities of EFSA.
b) Competencies
  1. Working with others: ability to establish / maintain good relationships with team members, to demonstrate willingness to learn about and from others and to continually demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills;
  2. Plannning work for Results: ability to deliver work on time, to deliver added value to  the service and to identify and organise resources needed to efficiently accomplish in own work;
  3. Manage projects: ability to manage time, resources and information in an effective manner for the achievement of the expected project results;
  4. Demonstrate Political Savvy and Strategic Agility: ability to think outside the box, adopt the changes needed to produce workable solutions and to seek and suggest effective initiatives for change. 
  5. Communication in English: ability to communicate effectively in English. 

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Only applications for published vacancies submitted via the online tool are considered. Applications by email are not accepted. In case you encounter technical issues while filling-in an application form or your candidate profile, please make sure you first clear the browser's history or switch browser. If problems persist, please contact EFSA Service Desk at The service will be active Monday to Friday from 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM.

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